STATIO’s main priority is quality. During these years the company has gained great client trust and has implemented more than 200 projects of varied complexities – supermarkets, hotels, warehouses, sports centres, dwelling houses, and other projects which have fulfilled clients’ wishes and expectations in the form of buildings.
STATIO was established in 2000, initially specialising in architecture. With a growing client network and needs, in 2010 STATIO ARHITEKTURA merged with STATIO SOLUTIONS, specialising in design and construction of agricultural buildings.

Architecture and design

STATIO SOLUTIONS offer their clients a full work cycle – development of the concept, economic feasibility analysis, design of the technical project, selection of the technological equipment, as well as project management and construction. Our experience guarantees that the building complex for your business development will not only comply with all requirements, but will also be constructed within the projected costs.

Our team
Our team consists of more than twenty qualified employees with four professionals as the core.
Their scrupulous analysis of the task and project planning, as well as high standards, ensure a quality and sustainable result. Moreover, the individual approach guarantees that projects are implemented according to our clients’ needs, wishes and possibilities, and at reasonable costs.

Janis Klavins

Uldis Mazais